You wake up each day, moving slowly.
You think there’s always time.
But life is slipping through your fingers.
You delay, hoping to avoid hard choices.
But you can’t.
Times have changed.
Life moves fast now.
The quick thrive, the slow are left behind.
We live in an age where speed is everything.
If you're not fast, life will consume you.
We are all headed towards the same end.
Someday, we will all die.
Your friends don’t tell you this truth.
By the time you get the news, it’s too late.
You think you’re living, but you don’t know what living truly is.
You have slow friends, slow goals.
Life is precious and fleeting.
The moments you cherish will fade.
Act now, or miss out on everything.
Don’t take life for granted.
Embrace each moment.
Feel every heartbeat, every breath.
Make the hard choices.
Live fully, because someday, it will be too late.
We are all fucked at some point,
And we’re all going to die someday.
Hold on tight to the life you have now,
Before it slips away.